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The Employment Fair for Foreign Language and Foreign Trade Graduates of Colleges and Universities of 2020 in Jilin Province was held at JISU
Oct 28, 2019 10:32 AM   News Center

On the morning of October 26, the Employment Fair for Foreign Language Foreign Trade Graduates of Colleges and Universities of 2020 in Jilin Province was held at JISU.


Xu Shibin, Deputy Director, Asking the Employer about the Talents Needed

Xu Shibin, Deputy Director of the Department of Education in Jilin province; Tang Hongfeng, Director of Provincial Higher Education Graduate Employment Guidance Center; and Zhang Xuguang, Deputy Director, attended the meeting accompanied by leaders of JISU.

More than 270 companies of different industries from various provinces and districts offered over 9,000 jobs, covering foreign language majors like English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Italian, and Arabic; and non-foreign language majors (including Chinese Language and Literature, Economics, Management, and Education). It attracted nearly 5,000 graduates, and involved over 2,000 Chinese and international graduates of JISU.


“The Belt and Road” Initiative Requiring Talents of Foreign Trade

As economic globalization rapidly grows, and international cooperation gradually deepens, foreign languages play an increasingly important role as a bridge for international communication. Miao Jing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee at JISU, said: “From the overall employment situation of 2020 JISU graduates, large-scale cross-border e-commerce, manufacturing and education industries favor foreign language and trade talents. Due to increased cooperation between China and countries along “The Belt and Road,” and more frequently held economic and cultural activities, the demand for foreign trade talents gradually increases year upon year. Enterprises are fond of those experienced employees with excellent professional ethics, multi-skills and strong management ability.”


Fuyao Group has raised its threshold for foreign trade talents year upon year. Zhang Kun, Director of Recruitment of Changchun Branch of this group, mentioned: “The basic requirement for our recruitment is that you should master at least one foreign language. We are eager to recruit bilingualhaving two foreign languages professional graduates. This year we plan to offer ten jobs to English-German graduates. Meanwhile, we require that graduates are competent to communicate and handle some incidents. When he becomes an employee, he should stay humble and do practical things. They should have some sort of continuing education and self-management abilities, actively adapting themselves to different positions and an awareness of self-improvement.”

Lifemate International Trading Ltd. in Dalian has been engaged in trade with African countries, and it has large demand for foreign language and trade talents. Yan Nan, Minister of Human Resources in the company, said: “Graduates of JISU have excellent language skills and high comprehensive quality, and can adapt to the job more quickly. In particular, most of the students have experiences studying abroad, which is in line with our overall goal and talent needs for the development of the national business along the ‘Belt and Road’. With the increasingly frequent trade between China and the countries along the ‘Belt and Road', it is hoped that foreign language and foreign trade talents can change their employment ideas, open their minds, go abroad, and play a role as a bridge and tie in exchanging culture and trade between China and foreign countries.


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